Steps to Start Working as a Freelancer

9 Steps to Start Working as a Freelancer

Recently, almost everyone has become aware of the possibility to earn money on the Internet. The biggest question that deceived you at this point is how and where to start. The choice was obvious for you — you decided to become a freelancer.

Have you ever wondered whether it’s as simple as it seems? Is it necessary to study before starting your own business? How do you succeed in such a sphere? What are the criteria for success? And most importantly, simply — what should be done first?

Recently, almost everyone has become aware of the possibility to earn money on the internet. The biggest question that deceived you at this point is how and where to start. The choice was obvious for you — you decided to become a freelancer.

Have you ever wondered whether it’s as simple as it seems? Is it necessary to study before starting your own business? How do you succeed in such a sphere? What are the criteria for success? And most importantly, simply — what should be done first?

Steps to Start Working as a Freelancer

Whether you want to get started independently as a writer, web designer, or developer, this guide will help you get started on your journey with the steps below.

Before continuing, we must clarify a few things.

Freelance is much more complicated than you think. Some people believe that anyone with a laptop and an Internet connection can make money online. But that’s not true.


Let’s talk about how to quickly start your own freelance business with a little money.

Step 1: Define your Goals as a Freelancer

One important step in becoming a freelancer is establishing your goals. Freelancer needs to know that they are going to make enough money to live comfortably on. Setting achievable goals will help you in your career, in that you’ll want to work harder and continue to improve. Setting goals will also help you in life, as it may help you become more successful.

If anyone knows about our niche for starting your freelance business.

Without a destination, you can’t get in a car and start driving. You also can’t start a freelance business without a destination.

Without a destination, it is difficult to know which way to go. The goal provides that destination to start your autonomous business.

Step 2: Select the Skill to Start Working as a Freelancer

Working without a proper marketing strategy is like drinking from a fire hose. That is why it is important to choose a specific freelance skill, niche, and industry so that you can generate enough attention to attract clients. After a successful experience in marketing, you can access an exclusive community where you can lot more clients.

Whether you are a full-time freelancer or a freelancer, your business revolves around the unique skills you have to offer. Those skills are your greatest asset.

Therefore, Step 1 identifies the various skills that you have developed over the years that others may not have and may want to pay you to use.

Step 3: Define the Target Client

Before you start working as a freelancer you need to decide who you are going to be freelancing for. This is the target customer for your freelance business, and for getting things done it makes sense to know him or her well.

Freelance work doesn’t offer guarantees, but it has risks that you should be aware of before taking on the work. The best way to avoid these risks is by defining your target client early on in your freelancing career. Once you’ve identified the most beneficial and enjoyable skill for you, it’s time to think about who will pay you to use it.


Many freelancers are not thoughtful and ambitious here.

They start as freelancers and are so afraid to sell that they will accept any customer who offers any amount to do something.

Step 4: Package your Skill in a Service Offering

Selling something online is an important skill, but it is not enough to just start work as a freelancer – you need to plan, develop and implement a plan that enables you to work to your full potential and earn a living from freelance work.

This means setting up a dedicated online business card and making sure it will be the perfect match for your project offers and skills. Skill selection was just one step in starting an independent business. Next, you must sell your skills.

How do you use those skills for someone else?

What services do you offer with those skills?

It is a fine line, but it is an important difference.

Copywriting is a skill and email copywriting is a service.

Coding is a skill and creating custom mobile applications is a service.

To sell your skills, you must think of them as a service.

Step 5: Legally Incorporate Your Business Before Starting Freelance

Starting freelance is a big decision. You need to take care of your health, make sure you have the time to do the work, and invest in the styles and skills you need to succeed. One of the biggest mistakes freelancers make is hiring attorneys before getting started.


Freelancers should set up their corporate entity by September 1st even if they haven’t hired an agent yet. Doing so allows you to avoid costly legal fees and hassles that can arise when working for an employer.

You can delay this step, but it’s a good idea to do it early rather than later to make tax planning easier from the start.

Step 6: Create a Portfolio to Show your Skills

When first starting freelance work, creating a portfolio can be one of the first things you do. It’s highly appreciated by potential employers and can also help you get better at your job.

The question is, how do I make use of my portfolio to sell work other than marketing-related projects? Professional portfolios can be used to show an array of skills such as copywriting, media planning, design thinking, coding, and more.

All clients hire you because they trust you, whether they know it or not.

They trust you in what you say you are trying to do and give you the quality of work that you say you are trying to provide.

Step 7: Develop a Strategy for Finding Customers

Once you’ve decided that you want to freelance, it’s time to start building your network. Freelancing is like an assembly line: you can only start your project when you have the right workers in place. By the time you finish your first project, you will know who your customers are and what they want.

It’s possible to build an online business without ever having tried it before but because entrepreneurship is such an early-stage career, you may not have the connections to attract the right people. Here are some tips for how to find customers for your freelance blogging/media project.

Congratulations, your ducks are officially lined up!

At this point, you have laid a solid foundation to start working as a freelancer. Now we have to talk about how to get your first client.

There are three main strategies to consider when you start freelance to find new clients:


  • Work directly with the client
  • Work as a subcontractor
  • Use a freelance workplace

Step 8: Take Advantage of your Existing Network

Many freelancers don’t take advantage of their networks. Freelancing is a competitive job market and each day companies are hiring employees to fill positions. After the successful completion of your task, there is one way to handle your freelance career and that is by developing good relations with current and former clients. Write about what you do and build rapport with your audience. You will need a professional email address and handle all contact related to your freelance blog.

Consider finding a client who works both directly and as a subcontractor.

Do you remember saying that you would hire someone you could trust? Well, they are even more likely to hire someone they like.

Therefore, the most likely to hire you, especially when you are about to start as a freelancer, are those who already know you, love you, and trust you.

I call these people your supporters.

You already have a supporter. They are your friends, family, coworkers, coworkers, etc.

Your followers are the ones most likely to hire you or introduce you to others at all times.

Most service-based businesses come from word of mouth … and those words come from the mouth of your followers!

But chances are, those followers aren’t that good at introducing you to people the way you want them to.

Step 9: Start Creating New Followers

The best way to get clients is to build an online business connected to your services. Of course, having a company is good in itself, but if you want to make the most of freelance writing, you’ll need subscribers.

When you do around and reconnect with your followers, ideally one of them hires you or refers you directly to another person who hires you.


That first project will be your beginning; do a great job for them and you can build from there.

If that doesn’t happen right away, you may panic and start thinking about meeting new people and marketing yourself.

But I can’t fully emphasize how good it is to reach out to all the existing followers that you can probably do first.

Finding a client among people who already know you, like you, and who trust you is very easy. So be sure to talk to everyone as much as possible before working directly with strangers.

9 steps are all you need to succeed as a freelance writer.


To sum all of this up, it takes a lot of effort and effort to start an independent career. But if you decide to enter this area, patience and perseverance are the keys to success. These opportunities provide insight into advanced digital life.

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