SEO & it Works? | SEO Guide for Marketing Managers

SEO & it Works? | SEO Guide for Marketing Managers

So, a lot of people, literally billions of people, search for something on the search engines such as Google, each and every year. And finding information related to products or services.

So, for the companies, the more visibility you have can have a direct result in more qualified customers to their site, and the monitoring of their products or services, and, ultimately, lead to greater profits.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. In simple words, SEO is about making your website the most, to be visible to the people who make use of search engines and directories. The ultimate goal of SEO is to attract more qualified leads to your site, as well as potential customers, which can lead to a huge growth in the revenue back to your business.


SEO is a great marketing channel for many businesses. I have found that it is the work of small businesses to large enterprises. So, if you think that people are actively investigating an issue that your business can solve, actively searching for the product that you are selling, SEO can be a fantastic option in order to make it easier for them to find your business when they search for this information online.

How does SEO Works?

SEO works in a variety of ways. After all, it is our job as an SEO expert to make your website as visible as possible in the search engines, and to make sure that the search engines can crawl and understand your page, as well as to find out exactly what is said on each and every page of your website.

Another important fact of that is making sure that users are having a wonderful experience as they visit your site. Therefore, these two aspects of search engine optimization and the user of the optimization, are both the compound and the shape of the SEO.


Here are just a few examples of what we can do to recommend to you on the site. It could be adding additional content to the site to add some context in further detail, on exactly what a particular page is about.

It could be adjusting how texts live on your site. How images are added to your site. And to make sure that, from a technical point of view, this content and more on your site is accessible to search engines and directories.

In a nutshell: we use a variety of tactics in order to ensure that the major search engines and people get to know everything about your products and services on each and every page of your website.

And the easier it will be for you to do this, the more it is clear that we are able to communicate these things to do of search engines like Google and users, and the better your page is performing on search engines, which means more and more traffic to your site.


Types of SEO

There are a lot of unique aspects to it and the kind of things that we consider to be, ultimately, when it comes to SEO.

For example,

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is looking at a website from a server level really digging into the code and the performance of both the code and the server. Are making sure that information on the site is presented in a way that users are able to access from multiple devices.

Is code loading on the site in a fast manner, or does it take the site 30 seconds to load a simple page of information? All those things are really important from a technical standpoint, for us to analyze.


On-Page SEO

On the other end, there are also, what we call On-Page SEO factors. So, what kind of information can be transmitted over the content on the site? Do you have enough content on the site for both users in search engines?

Off-Page SEO

There are also a couple of other areas out there like Off-Page SEO, which analyses and looks at how people are talking about you and your brand outside of your site. There are many good websites that have a link to yours. Are people discussing your brand on social media? What’s your reputation online?

So, on this great SEO, bubble, there are a lot of small bubbles on the really important things that we should consider and address when it comes to your website.

Major SEO Guide

One of my favorite SEO tips is ultimately using some elements of architecture and translating that to a digital format and setting up a really well-structured site using information architecture, where usually libraries are great resources for people who are interested in your products or services.

So, setting that structure up in a way that makes sense for both search engines in users can be a very powerful tool. So, let’s say you have a section with useful information on how to use a particular product on your site. Just throwing this information can be very useful to people, but it doesn’t have to be the maximum possible impact, both in terms of its usefulness for SEO and traffic generation.


One of my favorite things is to take that wealth of knowledge that’s in a client’s brain about their product or service. In order to do this, it makes it more difficult for you to find out the best way to display this information on the site, and it provides a very useful framework to classify, and then control the individual parties involved in each of these categories.

And it can be a great way to make your website navigation but in the end, the effort is worth it in terms of its structure, to help the search engines really understand the categories of the types of personal information to which you want to load, and then, in the commencement of the competition with a truly well-rounded resource of instructions.

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