Become An Independent Inbound Closer (High-Ticket Closer)

Become An Independent Inbound Closer (High-Ticket Closer)

Now recently, a lot of people have been asking me, what exactly is an inbound closer?

So, in this article, I’m gonna show you exactly what it is, and how you can get started even if you don’t have any sales experience.

What’s going on everybody?

As I said before, in this article, we’re gonna talk all about inbound closing, what it is, and how you can get started. And I’m sure if you’re reading this article, you probably have seen some videos or some ads of people, you know, telling you all about an inbound closer.

So, in this article, I wanna kind of dive a little deeper and show you exactly how you can get started. So, first of all, we are going to talk about how exactly a person that’s actually happening in the near future about inbound closer.

How to Become an Inbound Closer?

But before we do that, we have to first have a definition and understanding of what an inbound closer is. Essentially, an inbound closer is someone whose role it is at a company, right?

They’re gonna be an employee at a company or works for the company as a contractor, and their job is to close deals. So, the company, maybe it’s a marketing agency, right?


They are going to have a lot of potential customers, perhaps, the view, the ads, and so on, and people will be interested in and would like to speak to someone on the phone before you make a buying decision.

So, as an inbound closer, your role is to make those sales calls, talk to the customer, and understand their pains, and then it’s your job to close the deal and then bring in revenue for the company.

And of course, you’re gonna get paid a commission for all the revenue that you bring into the company.

Now, to actually, work as an inbound closer, what are the skills you actually need? Or what do you even need to learn before someone is ready to hire you?

Now, if you’re looking for any type of training, whether it’s on YouTube or you’re thinking about buying a course, the thing you have to really pay attention to is:

  • Does this course show you How to Sell over the Phone, which is very important in inbound closing these days?
  • Does the course actually show you how you can talk to these warm leads, how you can follow up with them, schedule calls and, you know, do the right things and say the right thing to actually close a deal?
  • And within the actual sales call, there are some soft skills that you need to excel at if you want to do well at inbound closing. For example, you really need to learn how to build rapport and build a connection with the prospect, even if you’re just meeting them for the first time, cause people to buy from other people that they like, and you’ve gotta make sure that your prospects like you.

You also have to learn things like, how you can identify a prospect’s pain, right?

Really understand their challenges and problems, and what keeps them up at night, and then from there, you have to learn how to pitch your products or services to remedy that pain or solve that pain and totally make it go away because if you can do that, people are willing to spend money with you because you solve their problems.

And of course, you’re gonna need to know how to handle objections and follow up with customers who don’t make a purchasing decision on the first call, which is natural because sometimes a sales cycle, you know, takes longer.

It can take weeks or even months before you actually have to come in the future, depending on the complexity and size of the. So, when you are evaluating the skills, you need to learn or you’re evaluating a program that you want to enroll in, you wanna make sure that that program teaches those specific skills.

Now that you understand what an inbound closer is and what skills are required to actually do a good job, how do you go about finding a job or starting your career as an inbound closer?

So just to give you an example of how it is to work, and on the door closer, I’m going to go and use Upwork. So going on to my computer right now. So Upwork essentially, it’s like a freelancing site where people can post jobs and, you know, you can apply for different jobs.


You know, you don’t have to use Upwork, it’s just an example that I’m gonna show you, cause, you know, it’s quite easy to see. So, for example, if you were to look for high ticket closing jobs, an inbound closer is pretty much the same as a high ticket closer, just different names to describe the same job.

So, let’s go ahead and look at Upwork and see what jobs are available. So, you kind of see over here, let’s say high ticket phone call closing online program. So that’s just somebody who is selling an online course or program, and your job is to take calls, right?

So, you just click into there and see what they’re looking for and see if you can apply.

Another example is sales closer for a social media marketing agency or a lead gen agency. So, you know, essentially you would just get on the phone and sell this company’s marketing services, right?

Another, For example, let’s see, sales rep. for a high-ticket online parental yoga program. That’s quite specific, but let’s see, less than 10 hours a week, probably just taking calls.

So, let’s go ahead and just give you an example of what that looks like. So, a sales rep for a high-ticket online program, right?

Let’s go ahead and just dive into it, as a random example. So, this is the time of the learning process, but all roles will require practice. So, they’re saying we’re hiring contracting and closing leads on the phone. So how it’s gonna work is client, the prospect is gonna watch a webinar 30, 40 minutes, and then they’re gonna book a call.

So, the lead is already warm and they kind of know the company, and they watch this 30-40 minute webinar, which is such a long video, and then they’re gonna book a call. And then on that call, it’s gonna be you as an inbound closer, and for this specific sale, you’re closing a deal for 900, so basically $1,000, and then every time you close a deal you get a commission from it.

And that’s pretty much it. So, if you wanna apply for this job, you just create an Upwork account and apply and tell them your experience, and see if you can get the job done.

So, that’s gonna be an example of, let’s say, an advanced high ticket closer or inbound closer who has some experience, but what about if you don’t have any experience?

So, you know, again, it’s going to Upwork, I have found a different kind of description of the work. They need a high ticket closer for warm leads we have coming in. So, in this one they don’t specify how much experience you actually need, so even if you’re just getting started, they might take a chance on you, but you might have to only work for commission. So, means that you only make money if you sell.

So, let’s see, we’re a business that helps other businesses generate leads. They must be real, but someone needs to step up the phone and shut it down. So looking for two closers, manage 10 to 20 warm leads coming in every day, and call them within 76 to 72 hours.


So pretty much they’re gonna have a bunch of leads. This company is gonna really have scheduled leads for you, meaning your calendar is gonna be booked with meetings every day, but if someone doesn’t book a time to talk in the calendar.

Then you have to follow up with email or if you have their phone number you just literally like warm call them, and just talk to them and see if they’re interested in this company’s products and services. And that’s it.

So going deeper into it, this is commission-based pay. You need to have that, it is a percentage of each sale, that is, it must be very hard, blah blah blah, and if you’re doing a good job of turning it off, we’re able to provide you with a general position, that is to say, they are able to provide you with a stake in the company.

So this is the scenario, you know, they have a very long track record, but they’re looking for people who can be. So, you know, if you don’t have any experience, you can apply for a job like this and see if they’re willing to take a chance on you.

And you know, when it comes to the commission that you actually make, you know, if you’re selling something for let’s say $2,000, they might give you 10 to 20%, it really depends on the company, you know, of the sale, right?

So, let’s say you close a deal for $2,000 and you get 20% of that, which is quite high, so it might be lower. That’s gonna be $400. So, in one day maybe you take a phone call that’s boom, you know, close a deal, $400, right?

But not every deal will actually close, right? So, you know, it’s your job to keep taking these meetings, and hopefully, you know, generate a couple hundred or maybe over $1,000 every day, depending on how many leads you have, right?

So, you can’t really control how many leads you get, cause the company gives them to you, but you can control your closing ratio to make sure that you close the deals that are coming your way.

So now that you understand typically, how you might be able to get a high ticket closing or inbound closer role, which is essentially, just a freelance sales rep at a company, right?

I’m gonna show you some alternative types of sales roles that aren’t necessarily related to inbound closing per see.

So, to give you some background about this, inbound closing or high-ticket closing, a lot of times when people use these terms, it’s specifically for a specific type of company, and that’s usually like consulting, coaching, info products, like these types of companies, typically use the terminology, inbound closer or high ticket closer.

At this time, the current account is actually very broad, and because it is, in fact, many of the big companies are doing business with a company that does have a sales representative in their company and they will tell you that this is a function to set the terminal blocks and the yield of the terminal blocks are for, right?


For example, I started my career at Oracle as an account manager, which means the person with whom you need to make sales, but when I was in engineering, and as an account manager, working in Silicon Valley, no one has ever been used to the terminology, the high-ticket closer, or the incoming closer to the likes of what we’re talking about the now.

But essentially, I’m doing the same job as an inbound or high-ticket closer, but the difference is that when you’re working at, let’s say, a technology company or a very proper company, they don’t use that terminology, and they pay you a lot more differently.

For example, when I was at Oracle, I got paid a base salary, and I got paid commission based on what I closed, whereas an inbound closer or high ticket closer might only get paid commission. Now, which one can actually make more money?

Well, both can actually make a lot of money, it just really depends on how much you can close, right? But from my experience, a lot of times the sales roles at established companies or technology companies, typically will pay more than let’s say, a random inbound closer job at a marketing company, right?

Because if you talk about, you know, all the seasoned salespeople who have, let’s say 10 plus years of experience, they’re not really going for these inbound closer jobs or high ticket closed jobs, it’s really meant for, you know, beginners, but you know.

When we’re talking about veterans who have 10 years of experience plus, they’re gonna be working at like an Oracle or Microsoft, or Salesforce where they’re getting paid, you know, maybe like half amil every year or hundreds of thousands, some people are getting close to a million, right?

So, I just wanted to give you an idea of the landscape. So, if you want to have a career, as a salesman, right? You can do inbound closing, that’s totally cool, but you know, the challenge there is that you have to pay someone money to teach you how to do that, and then, you know, you have to basically be a freelance salesperson.

Whereas, for other traditional sales jobs, people pay you a salary plus a commission to learn from them, which is actually a much better deal if you kind of think about it, right? But it really just depends on what you’re looking for.

So, to give you an idea of the kind of what we’re talking about, let’s go ahead and give you a technology example cause that’s, you know, a lot of where my experience comes from. So, we’re gonna go on, which is essential, you know, like a website for start-up founders and people that post jobs and things like that.

So, let’s say discover the best jobs in tech, right? For account executives.

So, an account executive is someone who closes deals in the technology world, and essentially, that’s kind of like an inbound closer, kind of, not exactly. So, if you kind of look at, let’s say, how much an account executive makes in technology. Let’s say, you know, an account executive in New York, they’re gonna get paid 100 to 150K, so it might be split 50% a base salary and then 50% commission.

So, if they’re making 100K, it could be a 50K base salary, and then if they hit 100% of their quota, then they might get another 50K, right? If you sell more than what you expected, then you obviously will make more. So, this is pretty lucrative, right?

Like account executives, you know, they do make quite a bit of money. Sometimes, depending on the company, you can get a piece of the equity. This one’s giving, you know, .1 to .4% of the company to start as a new employee, to start early in a technology company, right?


So obviously if you work in technology, it’s more lucrative in terms of how many benefits a company gives you. If you do inbound closing, high ticket closing, you are kind of more of a freelancer, you get to work from home and you do it on your own time. So, it really depends on what you’re looking for in a career, but both kinds do the same thing.

Before an account executive, you might need more experience so you actually get the job. So, before you become an account executive you might become a sales development rep, or business development rep. I have other videos about that, but essentially you have to work your way up to becoming an account executive typically.

But if you wanna become an account executive rep, some companies may hire you right off the bat as a closer, but a lot of times, let’s say, if you wanna work at like Salesforce or at Oracle, they might have you become a sales development rep, which is someone who generates leads for account executives, for maybe six months, a year, two years, it really depends on the company. And then when they feel like you’re ready and you’ve got the skills, then you’ll advance into an account executive role.

Whereas inbound closing, you know, they do not really require you to, let’s say, generate leads, you just basically just start getting on the phone to start closing, right?

So, it just kind of depends on what kind of career path you want to go on, and both career options, you know, they are viable, it just depends on your personality, if you wanna work from home or work from a working sales environment as I did at Oracle.

So, you know, both are good, it just depends on what you’re looking for. So, with that said, that’s essentially the steps of, you know, exactly what an inbound closer is and how you can actually get started. If you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like, subscribe, and turn on notifications if you wanna learn more about closing in general.

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